  • Random Confession:

    I am stronger today than I was yesterday. I will be stronger tomorrow than I am today.
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  • Currently…

    excited about the final countdown.

    worried about how to keep myself busy.

    craving kisses and hugs and hand holding and snuggles and...

    loving my Bravo, my parents, & friends that give a crap.

    hating that there is no way he will be home for our anniversary.

    missing the way it feels to have my arms around him.

    wondering what fun to plan when he gets back.

    readingUndead and Unwelcome by MaryJanice Davidson .

    listening to The Night Santa Went Crazy by Weird Al.

    watching Law & Order: SVU

  • Blinkies

    Because they're fun!



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The Late Job

Today was my first day off in a while. Okay, not really. It’s the first day I’ve had off this month that I’ve actually been able to take some time for myself; so I finally get a chance to blog.

Work has been crazy, but I’m loving it! It might take me a couple of years, but there is a real chance that I could make enough money during tax season to cover the rest of the year. In the little bit of extra time I have had I’ve been researching ways to turn this into a career, or a year round job. I’ve looked into degrees and searched jobs with the IRS, but it’s a bit overwhelming to think about right now. At the moment I’m enjoying the flood of clients we’re getting during our first peak weeks.

So before I sat down on the couch this afternoon to watch my DVR’d episode of Heroes and blog I was making phone calls to the banks we have our two credit cards with. One of them decided to e-mail our statement to the wrong address and I wasn’t too alarmed about it until I realized it had been over 30 days since we’d opened the account. Come to find out they charged us a late fee and interest on the late fee. The other stopped sending us statements entirely after I requested paper statements. They also charged us a late fee and interest. Thankfully I didn’t have to yell at anyone on the phone to get the fees removed, but it still put me in a really bad mood. I also had to call our water company because our December bill somehow got lost in the mail. What the heck happened in December that these places couldn’t keep their records straight? I’m really starting to think that the credit card companies did it on purpose to try to get those late fees out of people.